New Balance is a company that is committed to sustainability and has been taking steps to reduce its environmental impact. The company has built its sustainability program around three pillars: planet, product, and partnerships.
Some of the goals that New Balance has set for itself include sourcing 100% preferred leather and 50% recycled polyester by 2025, as these are the two largest drivers of climate impact for the company. They also aim to source 100% renewable electricity for owned operations by 2025, eliminate the use and discharge of hazardous chemicals by 2025, achieve zero waste to landfill in their footwear factories by 2025, and cut emissions in half by 2030.
In addition to these environmental goals, New Balance is also committed to social responsibility. The company aims to have 100% of women workers in their strategic footwear factories participating in training and education programs for personal and career development by 2025, and have 100% of strategic suppliers leading a worker well-being or engagement program by 2025.
Overall, New Balance is walking the talk when it comes to sustainability, taking concrete steps to reduce their environmental impact and improve the lives of their workers. It’s great to see a company taking such a proactive approach to sustainability!
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